Association for Preserving Historical Accuracy of Foreign Invasions in China (APHAFIC)
2007 Activities
Stirring Film "Nanking" Premiers in San Diego
The new film "Nanking" was screened at the San Diego Asia Film Festival SDAFF) at 1:00pm, October 13th. Mye Hoang, the associated director of SDAFF thanked all the co-presenters, followed by Nancy Lo’s brief message and acknowledgement. Nancy thanked the SDAFF for arranging the screening of the film and Robin Low for his efforts. Nancy expressed her hope that students in the audience would write a report about the movie.
In all, around 350 turned out for the film, a full house, including teachers and close to 100 students from San Diego High School, Torrey Pines High School, Hua Xiao, Sun Yet Sen Chinese School, Point Loma College, the University of San Diego, San Diego State, and Miramar College.
The film gave a clear picture of the six weeks of horror suffered by Chinese civilians and soldiers and the bravery of eight foreigners who set up safety zone, ultimately saving close to 200,000 Chinese lives. Among the foreigners were John Rabe, a German businessman and Nazi Party member; John Magee, Episcopalian minister; Dr. Robert Wilson; George Fitch who smuggled his and John Magee’s film out of the city; Minnie Vautrin, a missionary and founder of Jin Lin Girls’ school; and Christian Kroger, a German engineer.
Elder Chinese civilians poignantly recalled what they saw during the occupancy of Japan’s Imperial Army. Japanese soldiers described what they did to Chinese people. This 90-minute documentary accurately told the story of what happened in Nanking and will preserve an educational legacy for all of us. After the film, there was a question and answer session with the film’s Co-Producer, Violet Du Feng.
Our organization strives for the accuracy of history. Knowing the history is helpful to prevent such kind of atrocities from happening again. The victims deserve justice and Japanese government needs to come to terms of the past and issue formal apology to all victims of WWII in Asia.
The film was premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.
Local Teacher Tours China
Mr. Aaron De Groot, was among 10 teachers to participate in this rare 15-day intensive summer study tour of China from June 27-July 10,2007. The program included lectures and discussion of the history of Sino-Japanese relations, visits to museums and historical sites, meeting survivors of wartime atrocities, and participation in briefing and reflective sessions. Cities included Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Yiwu and other places of interest. The trip was financed by APHAFIC and other GA organizations. The Institute Tour is an intensive program to enhance the understanding of the cultural and historical background of China during the Asia-Pacific War from 1931-1945.
Summer Poolside Party
This year's Summer Poolside Party was on Saturday, September 8, 2007. A Chinese buffet was served and local history teacher from San Diego High School Aaron De Groot spoke about his tour of China. See more information about Mr. De Groot's experiences.
Annual Meeting - 2007
On May 12, 2007, APHAFIC held its fifth annual meeting at Jasmine Restaurant in Kearney Mesa. Ms. Jean Chung, Presdient of Historical Justice Now spoke on "'Justice for 'Comfort Women,' U.S. House Resolution 121 and its Significance." See more information.
Outreach Program North County Chinese School
On March 11, 2007 APHAFIC hosted an Outreach Program with the North County Chinese School. See more information.