Association for Preserving Historical Accuracy of Foreign Invasions in China (APHAFIC)

2008 Activities
The Global Alliance 2008 Biennial International Conference
The Global Alliance 2008 Biennial International Conference Education: Teaching and Research on Japanese Atrocities Committed during World War II in the Context of Human Rights and Global Citizenship will be held in Toronto, Canada October 31 to November 2, 2008. Information. Conference schedule.
Dr. Lester Tenney is Featured Speaker at APHAFIC Garden Party
APAHFIC paid tribute to members and donors on August 23, 2008 by hosting a garden party featuring a speech by Battan Death March survivor Dr. Lester Tenney. The party was held at Fairbanks Park in Rancho Santa Fe. The event drew out 58 attendees including many leaders from San Dieog Chinese organizations, and featured music of Margaret Zhou on the cello an Jing Jing Evans on the Chinese zither. Read more about the event and see pictures.
Ying-Ying Chang writes article about her daughter, Iris Chang
Click here to read the article recently published in the Harvard Asia Pacific Review enitled Reflections on the Nanking Massacre After 70 Years of Denial In Memory of Our Daughter Iris Chang.
Point Loma High School Students Reflect on Film Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking
Seven Point Loma High School students of history teacher Patrick McElhaney have been recognized for essays they wrote after seeing "Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking." APHAFIC congradulates these students listed below and has donated $200 in prize money for them.
- Anthony Rosewitz
- Anthony Rea
- Maura Silva
- Cliff Ridenour
- Mason Walsh
- Julia Burton
- Eboni Maynor
Click here to read the essays.
Click here for pictures of the Third Annual History Banquet where prizes were awarded on June 3rd.

Film "Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking" Screened in San Diego Followed by APHAFIC Sixth Annual Meeting
APHAFIC hosted a screening of the new film about Iris Chang on May 18, 2008 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the UltraStar Cinema in Mission Valley at 7510 Hazard Center Drive in San Diego. This was only the second screening of the film in the United States. After the film, the APHAFIC Annual Meeting was held at the Jasmine Seafood Restaurant in Kearny Mesa from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Drs. Shau-Jin and Ying Ying Chang, Iris Chang's parents, both attended the meeting and spoke at the meeting. APHAFIC also notes Sally and Dennis Avery and their Avery-Tsui Foundation, for their significant contribution without which this film would not have been made.
For more information about the film see: http://www.irischangthemovie.com/

Sixth Annual APHAFIC Meeting - 2008
Following the Movie Premiere :”Iris Chang: The Rape of Nanking” May 18th, Sunday, 2008 Movie location: UltraStar Cinema in Mission Valley at 7510 Hazard Center Dr. San Diego. (619) 574-7849
Time: 3pm-5pm
Cost: $10/person, Student Free
Movie tickets can be purchased at Soyodo Book Shop near Ranch 99 supermarket 7373-A Convoy Court, San Diego 858-565-9988 or Sunbay book Store inside Ranch 99 Supermarket) 7330 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. #A 104 San Diego. 858-571-0338
Event Chairs: Robin Low and Jack Meng
Supporter Acknowledgement: Gold Circle: Chinese Consolidated benevolent Assn. of San Diego; San Diego Asian film Festival; In Memory of Ying Hing Tsui; Silver Circle: San Diego Chinese Historical Society and Museum; House of China; San Diego Chinese Art Society; U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Assn., San Diego Chinese Assn. American Chinese Culture Education Foundation; Broze Circle: Yuman Betty Young, Alex Chuang and Jack Fu Annual Meeting
Location: Jasmine Restaurant, 4609 Convoy St. San Diego, 858-268-0888.
Time: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Program: Dinner, Annual reports, keynote speeches and book display Cost: $30.00/person, and $20.00/student
Drs. Shau-Jin Chang, Iris’s father, speaks on Iris Chang and her writing of the Rape of Nanking and Dr. Ying Ying Chang, Iris’s mother, speaks on Iris Chang and our continuous efforts in promoting the awareness of The Rape of Nanking
The events also honor the significant contribution of the AVERY-TSUI FOUNDATION, to this movie about Iris Chang.
For reservations for movie and annual meeting dinner, please write a check payable to APHAFIC and mail the check to Hongfang Sha, 11404 Fairwind Ct. San Diego, CA 92130 before May 12th. For further information, please call Hongfan Sha, 858-509-1888 or Jack Meng 629-421-5964(eve).
Board of Directors: Pao Chin Chu, Jack Meng, Michael P. Lee, Daniel Chang, Lilin Wang, Alex Chuang, Hongfang Sha, Lucia Yau, Mary Lee, David Hu and Nancy Lo.
Nanking Film in San Diego
The new film Nanking which premiered in San Diego last October (see below) returned to the Ken Cinema in Hillcrest on February 1-7, 2008. The Ken is located at 4061 Adams Avenue, phone 619-819-0236. Annoucement in Chinese: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3.
2008 Peace and Reconciliation Study Tour in China
The Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia (Global Alliance) is again pleased to announce, for the second year, that up to 20 social sciences, history, and humanities high school teachers and educators are invited to apply for this opportunity to take part in a 14-day intensive summer study tour of China. See details.
Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre
APHAFIC held a commemoration on Sunday, December 9, 2007 from 1:30 to 4:00pm at San Diego Miramar College in memory of the victims of the Nanking Massacre. See details.
APHAFIC Member Wins First Place in Essay Contest
Longtime APHAFIC member Yoshi Kaneda has won First Place in the 2007 Iris Chang Memorial Essay Contest. Click here for a list of the winners and a link to the winning essay. Congratulations to Yoshi!