Association for Preserving Historical Accuracy of Foreign Invasions in China (APHAFIC)

2010 Activities
Eighth Annual Meeting
APHAFIC held its Eighth Annual Meeting featuring Dr. Rodger Scott, English Secretary of the Rape of Nanking Redress Coalition (RNRC), who spoke on "Why Americans Know So Little About Japanese Atrocities During World War II." The meeting took place on May 22, 2010 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at the Emerald Chinese Seafood Restaurant at 3709 Convoy St. #101, San Diego, CA. Click here for a flyer (English and Chinese), or click here for a synopsis.
Peace and Reconcilliation China Study Tour
The Global Alliance announces a Peace and Reconcilliation China Study Tour for the fourth year. The purpose is to sponsor a local high school teacher to travel to China to learn about the Asia Pacific War. See announcement for details and application.
APHAFIC Spring Meeting
APHAFIC's 2010 Spring meeting was held from 1:00pm to 4:00pm on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 with guest speaker: General Tang Gang-Xi on "How President Roosevelt and Generalisso Chiang worked together to win the war against Japan." Location: Taiwanese American Community Center at 7838 Wilkerson Court, San Diego, CA 92111. Phone: 858-560-8884. Click here for a flyer. Also, article in Chinese.
APHAFIC Members Give Talks at Two Local High Schools
Professor Pao-Chin Chu, Jack Meng and Nancy Lo visited Aaron Degroot’s three history classes of San Diego High School on January 11. Meng, Lo, and Mary Yan-Lee, Yoshi Kaneda also visited the Chinese Academy at the Taiwanese American Community Center on February 26. Click here for details.