The Annual Meeting

The meeting will feature a speech by Professor Peter Li, the keynote speaker, and the award ceremony of 2005 Biennial World War II Essay Contest. The purpose of the contest is to raise awareness of the events of WWII in Asia and to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the ending of the war. Professor Peter Li, President, New Jersey Alliance for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia, will speak on ENDURING LEGACY OF IRIS CHANG.

Location: San Diego City Library, Carmel Valley Branch,
3919 Townsgate Dr., San Diego (858-552-1668).
Date: April 25, 2004, Sunday
Time: 2:30 - 5:30PM
Keynote Speaker: Professor Peter Li

About Professor Peter Li, the keynote speaker: Peter Li, Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies at Rutgers University, received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has taught for 30 years at Rutgers University in New Jersey from where he retired in 2003. He is the author of numerous books and articles on various topics on Asia. Some of his recent books and include, JAPANESE WAR CRIMES, THE ANATOMY OF TIANANMEN SQUARE, UNDERSTANDING ASIAN AMERICANS; Some recent articles include "The Nanking Holocaust: War, Trauma and Reconciliation," "War in Modern Chinese Literature," "Hirohito: The Unrepentant Emperor." He is the founding president of the New Jersey Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (NJ-ALPHA for short) since 2003 and has been an active participant in seeking redress for the victims of the Japanese atrocities during WWII. He has been profoundly influenced by the work of Iris Chang. Since retirement, he has moved to Oakland, California where he continues to write and campaign for historical justice.

Public are welcome.  Students are encouraged to attend. Refreshment will be served. Selected books will be for sale including the new book entitled ¡®Japanese War Crimes¡¯ by  Peter Li (Editor) . For further information, please contact Nancy Lo at 858-459-7313(n), nchlo@san.rr.com or Jack Meng ,Jackhmeng@AOL.COM, 619-421-5964(n).

Board of Directors:  Pao Chin Chu,  Jack Meng,  Michael P. Lee,  Daniel Chang,  Claudia Ma,  Lilin Wang,  Alex Chuang,  Hongfang Shan, Lucia Yau, and Nancy Lo. 

Essay committee: Pao Chin Chu, Sun Yi, Xiao Zhiwei , Michael Lee and Nancy Lo.

*From I-5, turn east on Del Mar Heights Road, turn right on El Camino Real, and turn left on Townsgates Dr. The Library is on your right hand side.


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